House Gin

House Gin

 We worked through countless iterations of moving different amounts of each botanical we wanted in this gin. Adding a portion into the vapour path gave us a bit of a 'stewed' flavour that wasn't all that pleasant, so we removed all but the citrus for the next trial. Adding citrus into the vapour path made for a more delicate citrus aroma, but we found that macerating it all in the boiler with the rest of the botanical load gave us the best balance. 

Juniper gives us pine, pepper and lime, the classic gin flavour.
Coriander adds crushed coriander, citrus and herbal notes.
Angelica Root contributes some earthiness, but mostly helps bind flavours together.
Lemon Peel, Bitter Orange Peel and Sweet Orange Peel all bring us fresh citrus to lift the aroma and flavour away from a classic London Dry style gin to a lighter, mostly orange driven place.
Licorice Root adds a bit of earthiness, but mostly sweetness.
Orris Root gives us floral and musky notes that help keep the aroma bright and fresh. 

On the nose, you'll be greeted by the fresh aroma of orange interplaying with the juniper backbone. The first sip reveals a burst of citrus flavors, followed by the classic juniper that is characteristic of a dry gin. The finish is clean and crisp, leaving a lingering citrus zest on the palate.

We enjoy drinking this best with your favourite tonic, garnished with whatever citrus you have handy. The fine balance we have achieved between all of the ingredients makes it so that any accompanying citrus shines.

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